“We all recognize that preparing our students for the demands of this 21st century world requires us to engage students in learning that is collaborative, problem-based, and integrates technology. However, that’s much easier said than done. Sumo Robot League has made it easier for us to adapt and adopt by providing training, curriculum, materials, and support.”
“We are a small school, roughly 330 students... Our robotics team as of now consists of about 8 people, a number that we hope to increase in time, so these large, expensive programs simply are not compatible with our school as of yet. That’s why we use Sumo Robot League.”
Sumo Robot League believes in a future where every person has the skills to build a robot of their own. We have focused thousands of hours on developing an affordable robotics kit, programming class, and S.T.E.M. Teacher Training camp at a fraction of the cost of other robotics programs. This allows every student the opportunity to learn to code and build a robot of their own.